Lit Mai Tai | A firey take on the Mai Tai

September 30, 2020

We miss going to tiki bars that amp up the theatrics with lighting, sound, and full-on flaming garnishes. So we decided to recreate that experience at home—after of course carefully reviewing our renters insurance policy, researching fire safety, and practicing our stop, drop, & roll technique.

Happy to report that no eyebrows were harmed during the making of this drink and that it turned out delicious!


Lit Mai Tai



2 oz rum (@probitasrum)
1/2 oz Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao
1/2 oz orgeat 
3/4 oz lime juice
Garnish: flaming lime shell


Combine ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake. Strain into a glass filled with ice and top with more ice. Add garnish.

Use a knife or spoon to remove the flesh from a halved lime, forming a bowl shape. Soak a sugar cube with 151-proof rum and add it to the lime shell. Place the shell on pebble ice or crushed ice for stability, and top with another splash of high-proof rum. Light with a long match then sprinkle ground cinnamon over the flame for dramatic sparks.

But most importantly, proceed with all the caution.